Shandong Huge Dental Material Corporation
Shandong Huge Dental Material Corporation

TrusFIL Restoration System

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  • trusfil restoration system 03
  • trusfil restoration system 01
  • trusfil restoration system 02
  • trusfil restoration system 03

TrusFIL Restoration System Package

6ml*1 bottle

HugeBond Universal FliPro Light Cure Dental Adhesive

4g*6 syringes

TrusFIL Universal Composite Restorative

3ml*1 syringe

P-Etchant Phosphoric Acid Etching Gel


Dispensing tips, mixing pad, micro-brushes

  • Indications

    TrusFIL Restorative System is a highly aligned direct restorative systemindicated for:

    • Direct anterior and posterior restorations (including occlusal surfaces);

    • Core Build-ups;

    • Splinting;

    • lndirect restorations including inlays, onlays and veneers.


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